Designer Mark Shomann (Marc Schomann) created the concept of a mobile phone in the form of kripteksa (in Dan Brown novel "The Da Vinci Code" - a device for storing secret documents, supposedly designed by Leonardo da Vinci). Mobile phone-kripteks is a cylinder, consisting of 12 segments. They bear the numbers, and in order to make a call, you need to, literally, to collect the required number, turning each segment. Of course, this is modern and hi-tech embodiment kripteksa: it does not contain even a tube with acid, in contrast to its ancient prototype. It used to destroy the acid content, if improperly recruited the code word. One could even say that modern mobile kripteks combines ancient idea kripteksa and disk phone, but the display and conventional buttons design does not provide. Conceived, perhaps unusual, but the likelihood that he will be implemented - is small.

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