Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Screenshots of BlackBerry OS OS 10 already in the network

Resource CrackBerry gained access to internal company correspondence BlackBerry, among which there were pictures of the new interface of the operating system for smart phones RIM BlackBerry OS 10. As the hardware platform has been used already on the market smartphone BlackBerry 9860. Among the differences, which can be seen in frames - a new startup screen with large widgets with something resembling Tiles used in Windows Phone. As well as the operating system from Microsoft, they are not static and reflect the current information: weather, the challenges, the location or the album cover. A bottom panel correspond to more than what can be found in the OS Nokia Belle. Other details of the static image is not so easy to understand, but it can be assumed that the interface is really closer to what is found in Windows Phone, than in the current version of BlackBerry OS 7 . In general, it is easy to see that in the updated interface, operating system and more attention paid to the convenience of using a large touch-screen size, which is certainly a step forward and a plus. The downside is it must be admitted that before the release of the OS on the market still need to wait a long time.

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