Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Technology Platform CC430 from Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments has released a new technology platform CC430, which was first demonstrated at Electronica. Novelty is a odnokristalnoe radio frequency (RF) solution with the lowest levels of energy consumption in the industry. Platform CC430 simplifies the structure of the system reduces by 50% sizes casings and printed circuit board, and simplifies the development of mobile devices. This solution enables improved radio frequency network, to extract energy from the environment to implement an industrial monitoring and detection of attempts of unauthorized interference, and to develop personal wireless networks and infrastructure of automatic measurement and accounting.

The first device CC430 occurred in one crystal and have a high degree of integration that reduces the size of the shells and surface mounting on printed circuit board by 50% compared with the decisions of the two chips. The advantages of this integration can be used in applications such as intelligent surveillance systems in hospitals, conveying information about the status of the patient or medical equipment in the central service, as well as personal LANs, which combine on-call device monitoring, pedometer, heart rate monitors breast, as well as Computer analysis of the health and adaptability. Simplifying installation and a reduction in its area also helps to reduce the size of distributors cost of heat, as well as intelligent systems of measurement and accounting AMI, which is projected to amount to 28% of all Energy in 2013.

The first device on a platform CC430 will be based on 16-bit Microcontrollers MSP430F5xx and industry radiotransivere CC1101 for frequency ranges up to 1 GHz. Low radiotransivery company TI provide the best selectivity and blocking for a reliable connection, even in a high-level interference. Family of microcontrollers F5xx allow developers to go to regimes execution of commands from the peak frequency to 25 MHz, with total consumption of 160 mkA / MHz. As the platform CC430 future devices will be able to take advantage of the newest MSP430 microcontrollers and low-power mobile devices, developed by TI.

The first samples CC430 will be available in limited quantities in the first quarter of 2009, while samples of the proposal for a broad market and further production devices scheduled later in the year. The starting price of the first devices will not exceed U.S. $ 2 when ordering in bulk.

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