Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Enter the rich world of S60 sensors

Last year S60 announced plans to broaden its range of input methods to include sensors. S60 licensees already had access to sensor APIs for 3rd edition and now, with the availability of S60 5th edition, all external developers can benefit from S60 sensor framework and APIs. Developers can start designing right away by visiting Forum Nokia and downloading instructions, examples, and all they need to design a new sensor innovation for S60. The plugging module supports the following sensors and related data:

Double tapping, orientation, rotation and XYZ Axis data from accelerometer sensors
XYZ Axis and magnetic north data from magnetometer sensors
Proximity and ambient light sensors

Minna Karvonen from S60 marketing met sensor guru and product manager of S60 sensors, Jarmo Pääkkönen to hear the latest news from the world of sensors.

Minna: What is the current situation with sensors, Jarmo?”
Jarmo: “Well, we have been busy with all kinds of sensor ideas flowing back and forth. Sensors are very hot potatoes right now. Just recently we published the sensor framework and APIs for 3rd party developers to start designing sensor innovations for upcoming 5th edition-based devices.”
Minna: “Indeed. What would you like to say to developers who are considering developing new S60 sensor-based applications?”
Jarmo: “Well, S60 has supported portrait and landscape modes earlier as well, but the need for them has grown rapidly with new screen resolutions and sizes. This is affecting application design too. I’d like application designers to take this need into account when designing new apps and do so with the help of sensors. We also focus on improving usability by studying the possibilities that sensors offer. We are testing several ideas with consumers to find out the best ideas and designs for implementation.”

Minna: “So, as always, usability is a top priority at S60. What other trends are related to sensors?”
Jarmo: “One important area is wellbeing. It is a global trend and one that’s very visible in the sensor area. The Sports Tracker from Nokia was one example of an answer to growing needs for wellness solutions. Now we are enhancing that area further with sensors, and making it more advanced and sensitive to different exercising conditions and relevant for a healthy life in general. Another area we are currently studying is how sensors can be used together with other data that S60 smart phones can gather from the environment, and how they can benefit from certain contexts. I belive we will see lots of ideas around these themes in the future”

Minna: “Yes, I heard that patenting in the sensor area is growing rapidly nowadays?”
Jarmo: “That’s true, and it is not a surprise as sensors could offer such rich possibilities for various needs. The graph here shows some figures about the global situation in the sensor application patent area. But, as I said, all this is happening as we speak, so, please explore and innovate the sensor world further by visiting the Forum Nokia web pages!"

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