Monday, May 18, 2009

Cellular RTUs and Dataloggers

At SIXNET, we have converged wireless and IP-based software technologies to create a truly “anywhere solution” that is easy to deploy and quicker to service. Your focus can now be on managing and monitoring your mission critical assets instead of the tricky logistics of dispatching techs into distant locations.

Now you can connect via wire-line (Modem or IP network) or Wireless via cellular (IP network); works with all cellular service providers. With our new R.A.M. Solution, you can remote manage and upgrade SIXNET remote devices from a central location and within a totally secure network environment.

By leveraging existing secure cellular networks and very competitive carrier data rate plans, R.A.M. can save customers up to 80% of the cost of a truck roll to a remote site -- or 60% of the cost of a traditional phone land line -- required to access the data at the remote site."Given the current economic environment, customers are looking for new ways to reduce the cost of their operations," said Ed Lewis, Partner at Belden Partners a wireless industry consultant. "Remote Monitoring and Control (RMC) is growing at 30% per year, driven by the benefits of real-time remote monitoring and control -- including automation of manual operations, increased frequency of data collection, improved response to emergencies, and reduced maintenance and operating costs."

SIXNET R.A.M. Solution components:

Integrated RTU, wireless modem, and power supply packaged in an easy to deploy NEMA4 enclosure that can withstanding the harshest environments. A plug n' perform solution that will get you up and operational quicker - you don’t have to wait days/weeks for installation of a slow landlines.

How do you stay ahead of competition? Create better operational efficiencies. One way to achieve this is examining what information you need and what it is costing you to get it. What SIXNET describes as “Time Value of Information”. The longer it takes for you to access this information the less importance it has, hence costs increase to obtain actionable data.

R.A.M. Key Benefits:
•Real-Time Access - Saves time and money
•Increased information - Better usage trending
•Better Alarming / Notifications - Reduced repair costs
•Cellular - Reduced communications costs

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