User forum xda-developers under the nick Haykuro published online video demonstration of the new operating system Android. This version will be installed on future smartphone HTC Hero. In this video, it is shown on T-Mobile G1. New version of Android is somewhat modified, more attractive and intuitive interface. Processed appearance of some applications, including - web browser, calendar, music player and some others. In addition, there are new features, such as the menu entry and exit from the social network in the setup menu. Apparently, this update - this is not the Cupcake, quite possibly, this is Android 2.0 Donut. Remember, we already mentioned in the news on the smartphone HTC Hero. This besklaviaturny monoblock reminding HTC Magic, though with some differences. On his performance so far almost nothing is known. Presumably, HTC Hero will go on sale in the third quarter of this year.
HTC's Android build for Hero - by Haykuro Look carefully - there's some cool stuff coming down the Android pike.
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