Wednesday, June 10, 2009

DOCOMO, Tata Unveil New Brand for GSM Service in India

TOKYO, JAPAN, --- NTT DOCOMO INC. announced the new TATA DOCOMO brand for a GSM service to be provided in India by Tata Teleservices Limited (TTSL), in which DOCOMO owns a 26 percent stake.

The new brand (see, available after 16:30 JST), developed by the Business and Technology Cooperation Committee that DOCOMO and TTSL have jointly established, symbolizes the two companies' strong partnership and their commitment to the development of India's rapidly growing mobile phone market.

TTSL plans to launch the GSM service in southern India this month and gradually expand it nationwide.

TTSL has created significant strengths with its high-quality network and extensive retail stores and customer-service outlets covering nearly all of India, where new subscribers have been surging with net monthly increases of more than 10 million.

DOCOMO, as part of its effort to leverage TTSL's continued growth and development, is participating proactively in TTSL's management by providing human resources and technical assistance to help realize improved network quality and the possible introduction of leading-edge, value-added services.

One of nine versions of the standard logo, which comes in three color schemes and three character alignments.

NTT DOCOMO is the world's leading mobile operator and provider of advanced mobile services. The company serves over 54 million customers in Japan, including 48 million using i-mode™, the world's most popular mobile e-mail/Internet platform, and 49 million using FOMA™, the world's original 3G mobile service based on W-CDMA. As a leader in the development of cutting-edge mobile technologies, DOCOMO is continually expanding the role of mobile phones as versatile and highly personalized "lifestyle tools" for everyday life, including with a wide range of innovative services for mobile payments, GPS, mobile TV, multimedia content and much more. NTT DOCOMO is listed on the Tokyo (9437), London (NDCM) and New York (DCM) stock exchanges. For more information, visit

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