Thursday, June 25, 2009

Toshiba predicts sales growth in 2010 notebooks

Toshiba presented its vision of the market of laptops at the sixth annual forum of DCC (Digital Consumer Channel), which was held recently at Le Meridien Moscow Country Club in Nakhabino. Before dealers and partners, was made general manager of CIS and Baltic Toshiba Europe GmbH, Igor Snytko. The company predicts a small rise in the third and fourth quarters of 2009, a significant drop in demand in the first and second quarters of 2010, and then growth of the market, starting with the third quarter of 2010.

Seasonal growth of portable PCs in the third and fourth quarters of 2009 will be the start of the academic year and pre-sales, but already in early 2010 to replace him will decline, which may be worse than in 2009.

Projected sales growth in the third quarter of 2010, Igor Snytko led to three main reasons. An important factor that should spur demand, will exit the operating system Windows 7. According to Snytko, by the third quarter of 2010 to accumulate the positive experience in the operation of the new OS. Further prerequisites for growth are widespread WiMAX wireless networks and the emergence of a critical mass of deferred demand. «Last 1,5-2 years, which at that time will be the beginning of the crisis to happen, physical wear technology. Those who had planned to replace a laptop last winter after 2-2,5 years after 3,5-4 years old will be forced to do so by physical indicators », - said Igor Snytko.

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