Sunday, August 9, 2009

Inventec Rainbow - «relative» Mobinnova élan

One of the «stars» of Computex 2009 was the Ultra notebook Mobinnova élan, built on a platform of Nvidia Tegra. In the shadow of his model turned out to be another Taiwanese manufacturer - Inventec Rainbow, which has similar characteristics and also based on the platform Tegra.

Inventec Rainbow laptop running Windows CE 6.0 with a special user interface and a set of additional programs. The model is equipped with a 600 MHz processor with low power consumption, 256 MB RAM and 256 MB NAND and 10.1-inch screen with a resolution of 1024 by 576 pixels. In addition, the device is equipped with modules WiFi 802.11b / g, EV-DO or HSPA 3G, can also be equipped with GPS, along with TVtyunerom. While the battery capacity is only 2200 mAh, charging him enough to work in standby mode for 10 days or 4 hours of continuous playback of HD-video.

In the first half of next year, Inventec plans to produce two models, which will further the development of Rainbow. Their code name Miranda and Samantha - in honor of egoin series «Sex and the City».

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