Monday, October 5, 2009

Flimp Gains Traction With Intelligent Digital Collateral Platform

Users Build Flash Landing Pages with No Programming and Get Deeper Analytics.

HOPKINTON, Mass., -- In an era when marketers have smaller budgets, less staff and a greater need to be nimble, more and more are flimping. Flimp (Flash Interactive Marketing Platform) is the only on-demand software-as-a-service (SaaS) application that enables non-technical marketers to create, edit, distribute and track customized video and rich media landing pages without any programming or analytics plug-ins. Flimps are being used by companies and organizations ranging from Allstate, Sirius XM and Citrix, to Harvard Medical School, the United Way and the Nature Conservancy to increase customer engagement and response rates using Intelligent Digital Collateral (IDC).

Flimp Founder Wayne Wall is on a mission to make Intelligent Digital Collateral the new norm of direct marketing. With interactive marketing budgets expected to represent 21 percent of the U.S. marketing spend by 2014, there is a growing need to simplify the process for creating rich media landing pages used for email and search marketing, as well as online sales and communication tools.

"The old definition of 'interactive' does not apply to the new world of Intelligent Digital Collateral. Video is 'engaging' but inherently lacks calls to action," Wall explained. "Combining engagement with real time, actionable analytics is the holy grail for direct marketers and we've made it affordable and easy to use."

The Flimp platform uses a drag and drop graphical user interface to create high quality flash video landing pages and distribute them in hours. Summary campaign and individual viewer data is captured real-time on a reporting dashboard with viewer engagement and response data by individual email address - including the number of flimp views, time watching video, overall engagement time, response links clicked and forward to a friend activity.

Universities like Suffolk University, Boston College Law School and Harvard Medical are using Flimp campaigns for admissions, student and parent communications and alumni development. Sports marketers like the Boston Cannons, PGA Tournaments and the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour use Flimps to sell tickets, build their database and increase engagement with fans.

"We liked the flexibility Flimp gave us, the freedom to brand and customize the pages from the toolkit and then control the campaign ourselves," explained Michael Rowe, vice president of television and digital media at the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour.

Since its first release in early 2008, over 120 companies and organizations have used Flimp and the Flimp platform has been integrated with more than 30 email marketing service providers including Constant Contact, ExactTarget, Delivra, Eloqua and YesMail. The platform is also integrated with the Amazon web service cloud providing global video content delivery. Flimp products are offered as a subscription.

For more information or to read a copy of the white paper entitled "Rich Media for Direct Marketing: The Emergence of Intelligent Digital Collateral," visit

About Flimp Media, Inc.,

Flimp Media is a pioneer in the development of cutting edge rich media marketing and analytics technology and solutions for online direct marketing, communications and sales. Flimp, which stands for Flash Interactive Marketing Platform, enables non-technical users to quickly create, edit, distribute, track and report video landing pages and video communications without any programming or IT resources. Flimp Media also offers clients globally scalable, low cost content delivery and streaming media solutions powered from the Amazon cloudfront. For more information visit

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