Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Attensity Announces New Release of Its Award-Winning Text Analytics Application

Attensity Analyze for VOC Version 5.2 Provides New Capabilities for Rapid Time-to-Value, Deep Sentiment Scoring and Unparalleled Accuracy for Customer Analytics.

PALO ALTO, Calif., -- Attensity(TM) Group, the leader in business user applications that generate value from unstructured data, today announced its new product release, Attensity Analyze for VOC Version 5.2. Named a Trend-Setting Product for 2009 by KMWorld Magazine, whose judging panel chose it from among 800 products, Attensity Analyze for VOC offers users deeper capabilities for understanding and acting on customer feedback.

"This new release of our text analytics application provides a great leap forward in our ability to enable business users, customer analysts and marketers to harness massive amounts of customer information found inside and outside the firewall," said Ian Hersey, global chief technology officer of Attensity Group. "Through our natural language technologies and our applications that are designed to uniquely listen, analyze and relate unstructured and structured data, we are able to provide capabilities that give organizations a distinct competitive advantage."

Attensity Analyze For VOC

Attensity Analyze for VOC Version 5.2 is a powerful text analytics application that enables business managers, customer analysts, customer service teams and marketing departments to analyze Voice of the Customer (VoC) feedback across a variety of customer conversation channels including emails, CRM notes, survey responses and social media. With the new release, users will have access to unparalleled accuracy when it comes to analyzing massive amounts of unstructured customer data. This level of accuracy is critical for "taking action" on the insights learned from analysis. As compared to keyword-based customer content mining platforms, the sophisticated text analysis in Version 5.2 enables business managers to be confident that their actions are based on accurate information.

Since rapid time-to-value is crucial for listening to customer conversations and driving analysis, insights and action based on this data, Attensity Analyze for VOC Version 5.2 introduces new out-of-the box reports for sentiment, Net Promoter Score® (NPS) issues, customer churn and competition. In addition, industry-specific domains for financial services/insurance, retail, consumer manufacturing, travel and hospitality give users a head start on analysis. The release also includes social media intelligence capabilities that make the application's Natural Language Processing (NLP) engines better at understanding social media "speak."

Attensity Analyze for VOC also includes a real-time, scalable integration architecture. The Version 5.2 "REST" interface (REpresentational State Transfer) is a style of software architecture for distributed hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web. This real-time integration architecture available in Version 5.2 provides a scalable environment for driving action into CRM systems, email management systems such as Attensity Respond, social media and more based on the millions of potential customer communications that happen each month for most large enterprises.

New capabilities of Attensity Analyze for VOC Version 5.2 include:

•Unparalleled accuracy through significant enhancements to Attensity's NLP engines includes features like "anaphora" resolution, which enables the engine to resolve pronouns such as "I" and "it" back to their proper nouns so that issues can be attributed accurately to customers and products.
•Deep sentiment scoring and issues analysis is enabled through a new sentiment scoring feature that accurately assesses degrees of sentiment and uses this data to define a sentiment score that can be tracked at the product and issue level.
•Business intelligence and CRM integration through a massively scalable architecture enables deep analysis of large amounts of customer data to drive actions into CRM, business intelligence and legacy systems, and the ability to share key VOC insights with other users via a portable Flash enhancement.
•Analysis enhancements include normalized time-series charts and calculated values that enable users to track customer issues and sentiment over time.

Greater Insights from Social Media Through Attensity Cloud

Combining Attensity Analyze for VOC with the add-on module Attensity Cloud expands analysis capabilities to the vast sources of information found online. Users can expand their customer analytics to the massive insights hidden online by analyzing conversations in social media outlets such as web forums, blogs, wikis, micro-blogs including Twitter and Facebook®, LinkedIn®, Xing, customer portals such as, news feeds, and many others.

About Attensity Group

Attensity Group provides software applications based on Web 3.0 semantic technologies to find, understand, and use information trapped in unstructured data to drive critical decision-making. The comprehensive suite of applications address collective intelligence in social media and forums; the voice of the customer in surveys and emails; customer response management; e-services; research and discovery; risk and compliance; and intelligence analysis. With more than 500 installations worldwide, Attensity Group's award-winning software is used by large government agencies and such innovative enterprises as Airbus, Charles Schwab, Bosch, JetBlue, Nokia, Siemens, Royal Bank of Canada, Travelocity and Vodafone. Organizations are better able to track trends, identify patterns, detect anomalies, reduce threats, and seize opportunities to improve customer satisfaction and retention. The Service & Support Professionals Association (SSPA) has honored Attensity Group with its 2009 Recognized Innovator Award. Attensity Group operates in the EMEA region as Empolis. More information is at, and

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