Monday, November 2, 2009

HTC is working on the next generation Virtual Book

Currently, almost all the major companies involved in the development and manufacture of mobile devices with touch screen, offering to market their own interfaces, which are designed to make the device intuitive. The degree of accessibility and intuitive can be measured in different ways, but the trend holds. Even the Acer has a new generation of smartphones provide its own work. NTS also has to communicator with Windows Mobile interface and TouchFlo TouchFlo 3D, as well as HTC Sense, which is considered one of the most successful of its kind.

But, since according to Executive Director, NTS sees his rival is not someone, and Nokia, then stand still there is no possibility. And this is not the manufacturer. The Internet has information on the fact that the NTS is developing a radically new interface, which will be organized as a "virtual book". As indicated in the application for an invention, all the content the device is organized in the form of "pages" a virtual book, you can flip through. According to company engineers that will hide the difference between the separate parts, making it easier to work with the apparatus as a whole.

The interface is assumed very flexible with a lot of settings. New applications and other data are added as new page "book". All pages can be "flipping", also has a system of "tabs". While the interface exists only in the form of a patent, therefore, to judge its performance and convenience too early.

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