Monday, November 23, 2009

Huawei Receives Light Reading' s 2009 Top Picks Award for Its Transport and Router Products

Huawei' s OSN8800 NG-WDM platform and NE40E universal service router was recognized as Light Reading' s 2009 Top Picks in Carrier Transport category and Switching and Routing category respectively.

"Congratulations to all the companies and individuals who were selected as this year's Top Picks," says Phil Harvey, Light Reading's Editor-in-Chief. "The Top Picks were chosen by Light Reading's editors because they embody the trends that we feel are really pushing this industry forward."

The OSN8800 NG-WDM platform records a cross-connect capacity of 2.56 T, and is able to upgrade to 6.4 T. With the capability to support 40G and 100G transmission and full-service operation, including VC-x (Virtual Container), ODUk (Optical Data Unit), lamda, future-oriented packet services and cross-connection, this platform enables operators to achieve greater flexibility and optimized wavelength utilization.

Huawei's enhanced Huawei NetEngine40E X -Series(NE40E-X3/X8/X16) universal service router, based on NetEngine V6, features 400 Gbps per slot capability, and rich service support especially for HDTV and mobile backhaul. It is fully compatible with all existing NE40E router linecards and the coming 100G linecards, resulting in best investment protection. By integrating SR, BRAS, video cache, DPI on the same platform, the enhanced NE40E USR allows intelligence-on-demand, thus providing more services with better quality and shorter time-to-market, and significantly reducing CAPEX and OPEX.

For more details about the products and the award, please visit

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