Friday, November 20, 2009

Lexar memory cards to provide gamers

Memory cards of any type used in most modern digital devices, whether phone, camera or game console. Lexar Company decided to holders of the latter to make a special series of memory cards. Models are made in the format Memory Stick Micro (M2) and Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC). Series has been generally termed Lexar Gaming. According to the company, these cards are specially designed for gamers, which is important for rapid and reliable preservation of critical information.

Unfortunately, no technical details, except for size and capacity, the manufacturing company did not provide, so to speak, what exactly Lexar Gaming differ from other memory cards, except the logo and the allegations of a special design - it is impossible. On the speed and reliability of all the others say, and game consoles do not impose any special requirements. Maps of the standard Memory Stick Micro (M2) are intended for owners of Sony PSPgo and other consoles by Sony, and SD and SDHC - for the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DSi. Centuries are available models:

• Lexar Gaming Memory Stick Micro (M2): 4 GB and 8 GB
• Lexar Gaming Memory Stick PRO Duo: 2 GB, 4 GB and 8 GB
• Lexar Gaming SDHC: 4 GB and 8 GB
• Lexar Gaming SD: 2 GB
The cost ranges from $ 25 for SD-card and $ 38 for the M2 cards.

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