Monday, November 23, 2009

Mobile bodyguard "from MTS: Armed guards for 30 rubles a day

Operator MTS has announced that from 23 November resumed accepting applications for pre-registration for the connectivity of "Mobile bodyguard. This is a system of personal security, allowing, in case of a threat, promptly call a mobile police patrol and response service using your cell phone. The service is available to all users of mobile phones connected to the MTS network in Moscow and Moscow Region.

Connecting services - free of charge. To pre-register for connection services is enough to fill an application on the website of MTS-Search ". Term of consideration of applications - December 2009, check out the information on the site. The subscription fee for the service call for assistance (30 rubles per day) is automatically debited the customer's account after connecting.

As promised operator, "Mobile bodyguard" will help in the following situations:

• Conflict in an accident.
• Conflict with the neighbors.
• Conflict in the walk with pets.
• Encroachment on your health, life and property in public places.
• The threat of entry into your home.
• The threat of theft of property.
• The threat of theft or robbery.
• The threat of theft of your car.
• Threatening to commit fraud in your address.
• The threat of attacks and violence in your relationship.
• The threat of extortion, assassination, kidnapping.
• Threatening to commit acts of hooliganism.

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