Monday, November 23, 2009

Olivier Carmona of AwoX Elected to DLNA Board of Directors

BEAVERTON, Ore. -- The Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) announced that Olivier Carmona, technical marketing director at AwoX, has joined the Alliance Board of Directors as an elected director. AwoX has been a Promoter Member of DLNA since 2008, and Carmona's addition rounds out the DLNA Board of Directors with representatives from Broadcom, Intel, Microsoft, Nokia, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung and Sony.

"Since 2003, DLNA has focused on the development of standards that make the truly connected home a reality. Olivier's participation in DLNA on behalf of AwoX is representative of the Alliance's efforts to foster the development and interoperability of products that stream video, music and photos throughout the digital home and beyond," said Scott Smyers, chairman of the DLNA board of directors and senior vice president of Sony Electronics Inc. "Olivier, in conjunction with the other Alliance Board of Directors members, will work with the full spectrum of member companies to bring the home network to new heights, driving increased standardization and openness."

Carmona serves as the Chair of the DLNA Compliance and Test Committee. As a DLNA member, AwoX provides consumers with the ability to access, stream and move digital content throughout a home network, across any DLNA Certified® device, for content enjoyment without boundaries.

"AwoX, as a DLNA Certified® OEM provider, strives to deliver the connected Internet audio and video technologies that broadband providers need to enable the deployment of premium content over various devices," said Carmona. "AwoX works in conjunction with other DLNA member companies to increase enjoyment for consumers throughout their digital lives by ensuring an interoperable network of consumer electronics, mobile devices, service provider equipment and PCs."

For more information about DLNA, please visit

About DLNA

Members of Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) share a vision of an interoperable network of personal computers (PC), consumer electronics (CE), mobile devices and service providers in and beyond the home, enabling a seamless environment for sharing and growing new digital media and content services. Founded in 2003, the group established and maintains a platform of interoperability based on open and established industry standards that, when used by manufacturers will support the sharing of media through wired or wireless networks. More than 200 multi-industry companies from around the world have joined DLNA, committing the time and resources necessary to achieve their vision. DLNA's 2009 Promoter Members include: ACCESS, AwoX, Broadcom, Cisco, Comcast, DIRECTV, Ericsson, HP, Huawei, Intel, JVC Kenwood Holdings, LG, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, NXP, Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer, Rovi Corporation, Samsung, Sharp, Sony and Toshiba. Additional information about the Alliance, its participating companies and membership benefits is available at

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