Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Revised Certification Requirements reduce the cost of Content Submission

Sony Ericsson recently enhanced the range of Java certification options that are accepted when Java developers submit content to PlayNow™ arena and Fun & Downloads. In addition to supporting Java Verified, we now also support Thawte and VeriSign certificates.

Here are the highlights:

Applications can be unsigned at submission
Applications that don’t require any permissions can be unsigned when deployed to the sales channels (NEW!)
All Java applications must pass the Unified Testing Criteria .
Applications that require permissions should be signed through JavaVerified or with Thawte Premium Server CA (NEW!) or VeriSign Class 3 third-party certificates. (NEW!)
Developer World talked to Srikar Kasarla, Partner Manager at Sony Ericsson, to find out more.

What do the new certification options mean for developers?

Using Thawte or VeriSign certification means that developers are able to test and certify applications quicker and at lower cost. Applications can therefore be deployed in our channels faster so that the developer sees sales and income sooner.

How will the change benefit developers?

The new signing process significantly reduces the time and cost for developers. For those applications which don’t use any protective API the signing cost is almost zero.

How does the new Sony Ericsson submission and signing procedure differ from competitors?

The Sony Ericsson submission process is different from competitors : It is simple and free to submit. The new test and signing options reduce the cost and time for developers.

How does the new submission process work in practice?

The new submission process will continue to be simple and intuitive. Developers need to take 7 simple steps to submit content to Sony Ericsson:

Register at developer.sonyericsson.com or submit.sonyericsson.com
Agree terms and conditions
Provide application description, screen shots and binaries
Select price levels
Select markets
Select supported languages
Select supported devices and submit.

How is Sony Ericsson's Content Submission doing?

We opened our content submission site submit.sonyericsson.com on 22nd July and added Windows Mobile® content options in September. It's doing really well. We have submissions coming from over 500 developers in more than 40 countries. We are seeing a steady flow of submissions coming through from every corner of the world. Our newest phones (Satio™, Aino™ & Yari™) are helping very much in driving the new traffic. Together with Sony Ericsson's local sales and marketing people around the world, we are finding and working with developers who can provide excellent content that is relevant in each market.

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