Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sky Link and Videophone packed mobile video surveillance

Operator Sky Link has announced the start of sales in Moscow, the new compact boxed set of video surveillance. Wireless interactive system for monitoring and control of CDMA SMART VISION, designed for home or corporate use, allows using the USB-modem "Sky Link", and portable cameras of "Videophone" control the situation at home, in the country and other important subjects.

To the system can connect up to 60 external sensors, alarm Visonic LTD, such as motion sensor, smoke, discoveries, by the operation of which (the so-called. "Alarming development") is warning the user via SMS or email. The system also informs the subscriber of the main power supply, battery, reboot the system and so on.

Wireless video surveillance system allows to organize video security on the basis of high-speed mobile data EV-DO (up to 3,1 Mbit / s) on the objects of suburban real estate, apartments, warehouses or construction sites. The owner, while in remote access and can independently monitor the situation at the facility, and in the event of an emergency contact the police or fire department.

Online broadcasting on the Internet through Web-browser in three modes: on the staff, a slide show or video, as a function of the "remote microphone, which allows you to control the volume of sound signal from the microphone. Access to the broadcast can be opened for one or for multiple users from any computer or mobile phone connected to the Internet.

The cost of video cameras for wireless interactive system for monitoring and management of CDMA SMART VISION is 11000 rubles (including VAT). The system can be equipped with one of three models of 3G modems (AnyDATA ADU-500A, AnyDATA ADU-510A, AnyDATA ADU-520A) and activated with any tariff plan "Sky Link", depending on the volume of traffic.

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