Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sky Link and AERO open Wi-Fi zone in the gas stations in Saint Petersburg

The operator Sky Link has provided wireless 3G-Internet 8 Petrol Stations premium AERO, located near the main trunk units to allow entry to and exit from St. Petersburg. Visitors Petrol Stations SkyLink equipped EVDO / Wi-Fi routers territory vosmi stations. The wireless network covers the area of a cafe, car wash and some adjacent territory, where all individuals can take advantage of free Wi-Fi Internet access, as well as connect to the network "Sky Link".

Total current service "Sky Link" is available in over 6000 localities in 36 regions of Russia. Filling station network AERO operates in the segment of premium. As noted in the press release, it is the only network in St. Petersburg, which provides the real import gasoline and diesel fuel. Distinctive feature of the Aero is a high level of customer service, which fully complies with German standards of quality. Daily attendance AERO network is constantly growing and currently amounts to about 6000 people.

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