Tuesday, May 25, 2010

ComNews Of review: the results of the development of the Russian market for the mobile Internet on the sums 2009 g.

The company Of comNews Of research prepared its instant analysis, dedicated to the results of the development of the Russian market for the mobile Internet on the sums of 2009. In it in particular it is reported that the dynamics of the development of the Russian market for the services of the mobile Internet justifies the increased interest in it from the side of the operators, which pack into its development of yearly billion rubles. On the sums 2009 g. the incomes of Russian honeycomb operators in this segment of market grew by 63% to 41,6 billion rubles, and total user traffic grew by 138% to 13,9 [Petabayt].

In 2009. the market for the mobile Internet preserved acceleration rates. On the sums of last year honeycomb operators earned on the services of the transmission of data in the mobile networks of approximately 41,6 billion rubles ($1,3 billion), which to 63% is more than analogous index of the previous year (or 31% increase in the dollar equivalent).

By basic trend on the Russian market for the mobile Internet in 2009. was construction the operators “of Big Three” of networks 3G, limited on the time by the conditions of licenses, given out in 2007. In some cities networks 3G are often built to two-three base stations. However, in spite of this, and also to the relatively low level of the penetration of the cell phones, which support standard UMTS (of about 17%), on the sums 2009 g. Internet- traffic in the networks of the honeycomb connection of Russia grew by 138% in comparison with the analogous index 2008 g. to 13,9 [Petabayt].

Incomes from the services of the mobile Internet and the volume of Internet- traffic in the networks of the honeycomb connection of Russia, 2007-2010F yr.:

Structure of Internet- traffic in the networks of the honeycomb connection of Russia on the operators, 2009 g.:

Leader in the segment of the mobile Internet is company “megaphone”. Its users of [sgenerirovali] 39% of entire traffic. Positions of company “[Skay] link” in 2009. it is considerable [oslabli]: the portion of company in the general structure of traffic was reduced by 6% to 18%. The user audience of the service of the mobile Internet in 2009 g. grew by 45% to 45,3 million subscribers.

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