Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Representatives Amazon doubt the fact that iPad occupies more than 20% market for [bukriderov]

The company Of apple assumes that for the relatively recently represented plane-table of iPad in a few months it was possible to recapture the substantial part of the market for devices for reading of the electronic books. Namely, it is considered that iBookstore occupies narrower than 22% entire market. In the opinion the Vice President of the company of Ian's Amazon Fried (Ian Of freed) this assertion is false. Base for this assertion for it became the portion of the company Of amazon, which is evaluated at 70-80% of market, which excludes the possibility of the fact that iBookstore would occupy that entire remained pillar. Its portion must be less, since there exists and the third participant - Barnes&Noble Of nook, in portion of which a certain percentage of sales also is fallen.

The reason for errors in the statistics Of apple it could become the fact that company for the examination it selected only five basic publishing houses, while Of amazon he collaborates both with the small and with the independent publishing houses, which also create the specific percentage of sales. No precise statistics Of amazon however it has, since the management of company does not plan to publish the data about the information, which cannot be with the accuracy checked. Also from Ian's interview Fried, given the agency Of cnet, became known that sales of the electronic books into Amazon are in many respects connected with sales of devices for reading Of kindle. Although it was originally assumed that Kindle will be independent project bringing profit, actually to 80% of unique buyers of the electronic books on the site amazon.com are possessors “[chitalki]” Of kindle.

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