Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ukrainian market for [kontent]- services in the first half of 2010: version MTS

The operator of mobile connection “MTS the Ukraine” reported summing up of the results of work on the market for mobile [kontenta] in the first half of 2010, where he also represented the rating of most popular [kontenta] among his subscribers.

Operator noted that in the first half-year of 2010 it enlarged the arsenal of the [kontentnykh] services, given to their subscribers both under the brand MTS, and under the brands of the partners of company ([kontent]- providers).

TO[R]-10 of [MR]3- tracks in the number of loads during the period indicated:

1. [Via] Of [gra] - “went there”;
2. By Valerie [Meladze], Grigoriy [Leps] - “be wrapped up”;
3. Potap Kamienskis's [Nastya] - “not [lyubi] to me the brains”;
4. Grigoriy [Leps] and Victoria [Ilinskaya] - “treasons”;
5. Tina [Karol] - “chinchilla”;
6. Potap Kamienskis's [Nastya] - “ring your [zae]”;
7. [Stas] Of [shurins] - “do not go insane”;
8. [Fendrikov] Fedor participants “in the factories of stars -3” - " take care love”;
9. [In]- Ian - “[Pofig]”;
10. [Via] Of [gra] - “mad”.

Rating THE TOP -10 of the [kontent]- providers of partners MTS in the sums of the first half-year of 2010 is comprised on the basis of the sizes of the income of providers from the assignment of [kontentnykh] services under its own commercial stamps:

1. “[Multistrim]”;
2. “[AyFri] the Ukraine”;
3. “Sms of on-line”;
4. “[IMMO]”;
5. “THE WEIGHT Of [media]”;
6. “Dialogue”;
7. “The [Irikom]- Ukraine”;
8. “[Evroinform]”;
9. “New [Media] projects”;
10. “[VIA] tele-port”.

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