Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What are you expecting from Nokia’s MeeGo phone in order for it to become successful?

A lot of hopes are resting on MeeGo phone to be instrumental in Nokia’s reclamation of the high end smartphone arena.

There’s the N8, and other rumoured Symbian^3 devices which are awesome in their own right. But some would argue that they are high-mid and not completely and convincingly all high end.

It seems for the best of the very best Nokia will have to offer, the responsibility lies of MeeGo Phone.

What are you expecting from the Nokia MeeGo Phone in order for it to become successful?

I could mention precise hardware specifications/expectations from the OS, but I’ll leave that for the comments. Is there anything in particular that MeeGo phone cannot do without?

I’ll blanket statement with,

“MeeGo phone must be exceptional. Anything other than being an over achiever is a ‘fail’. There isn’t any room for compromises any more now that all eyes are on Nokia to deliver a class leading flagship. One that deserves the flagship name in not just being the best out of your own portfolio but sets the bar for your competition. There can’t be any penny pinching, no leaving out of features to place into a future handset. It must at the very least, be as good as the best currently out there and then some. Don’t just be a jack of all trades master of none, but similarly, you can’t do with only having one strong facet. MeeGo phone should be Nokia’s opportunity to show the rest of the world exactly everything their capable of, strengthen their brand image and justify their position as the number one phone manufacturer in the world”

If MeeGo phone doesn’t deliver to expectations, it’s unfortunately too late for any changes to happen, what with Nokia World 2010 just over a month to go.

Even if Nokia’s MeeGo phone turns out to be amazing, some may still find other excuses as to why it would suck, such as the ecosystem. That in itself would be another post. (As is the possibility of Nokia’s own MeeGo phone being outclassed by another manufacturer)


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