Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nokia Siemens Networks wins award for its 1Gbit/s Next Generation Optical Access

Technology innovation recognized at the 2011 Fiber to the Home Conference in Milan

The FTTH Council Europe has presented Nokia Siemens Networks with a Technology Innovation Award for its Next Generation Optical Access (NGOA) technology. The company’s approach, which was outlined in detail as part of its award submission, has been demonstrated in its research labs to a number of customers. Nokia Siemens Networks’ NGOA uses a single optical fiber to bring broadband to up to 1000 homes at speeds of 1 gigabit per second per household, for both uploading and downloading at distances of up to 100 km from the central exchange.

The FTTH Council Europe is an industry organization with a mission to accelerate the availability of fiber-based, ultra high-speed access networks to consumers and businesses. It consists of more than 140 member companies, including many world leaders in the telecommunications industry.

“Nokia Siemens Networks’ NGOA will allow operators to provision virtually, unlimited bandwidth in their connectivity networks,” said Alexander Niepel, head of NGOA business development at Nokia Siemens Networks. “It’s not about fiber-to-the-home applications alone. NGOA has the ability to transform business and enterprise connectivity. For example, NGOA in mobile backhaul applications would provide smart phone users with a unique broadband experience while minimizing an operator’s cost per bit simultaneously. This is possible due to the flat, simple architecture of NGOA, which reduces active equipment.”

NGOA is designed to co-exist with legacy Passive Optical Networks (PON) systems, allowing for a seamless upgrade path from current optical connectivity systems along with facilitating central office consolidation to further improve operational expenditure.

Nokia Siemens Networks is already developing a prototype while continuing its close co-operation with FSAN (Full Service Access Network), which is the relevant standards body looking into the future optical connectivity standards.

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