Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nokia Ovi Maps now supports display of three-dimensional photographic images of major cities

The Finnish company Nokia has announced that in cooperation with C3, has made it possible to display photo-realistic 3D models of the largest cities in the world in its web version of a map service Ovi Maps.

Now users can view on all sides by urban landscapes, from your sofa, including buildings, parks and playgrounds, not just flat images, and in volume.

For these purposes, technologies from C3 - provider of three-dimensional display that provides photo-realistic models of the world. C3 uses to shoot camera that takes one and the same object at a rate of one frame per second at different distances and under 100 different angles. Subsequently, the image data using the software shall be performed on treatment, and allows you to see the shape of the subject in great detail.

This process applies to all objects - buildings, trees, houses and hills, which are transformed into seamless 3D model with a resolution of up to 8-12 cm per pixel.

Currently, three-dimensional photomaps available for the following cities: San Francisco, New York, Miami, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Toronto, London, Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, Milan, Venice, Florence, Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Prague and Vienna. Central city streets can be seen in London, San Francisco, Helsinki, Oslo and Copenhagen.

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