Monday, July 30, 2012

MTS: the suspension of a license in Uzbekistan is unreasonable and unlawful

Telecommunications operator MTS said that despite the timely execution of company "Uzdunrobita" FE, 100% owned subsidiary of MTS in Uzbekistan (MTS-Uzbekistan) all the requirements specified in the order to suspend the license of the Uzbek Agency for Communication and Information (UzACI) from July 17, 2012, Tashkent Economic Court of July 30, 2012 granted the petition UzACI on further suspension of the license "Uzdunrobita" for three months without giving the company an opportunity to adequately exercise their right to protection under the laws of Uzbekistan.

July 27, 2012 the Uzbek Agency of Communication and Information filed in the Commercial Court in Tashkent with the claim for further suspension of the license "Uzdunrobita" for three months, before the regulator suspended for 10 days. UzACI required to suspend the license for a new longer term, despite the fact that "Uzdunrobita" promptly reported to the proper implementation of all regulatory requirements.

On the same day, July 27, 2012, the court made a decision about the acceptance of the application UzACI, the hearing was scheduled for July 30, 2012.

This definition of the court as a statement of claim were delivered to the office of the regulator "Uzdunrobita" at the weekend - Saturday, July 28, 2012. Thus, the Uzbek company was able to read the statement of claim is actually just a few hours before the hearing. The petition of the company to postpone the hearing to guarantee the right to adequate protection and training opportunities to provide an objective position was rejected by the court without explanation.

MTS argues that the actions of the state regulator to suspend the license of the Uzbek company to the next three months, are illegal and unreasonable and, considering the long history of the old "Uzdunrobita" in the Uzbek market without being by the government of any significant claims in their making veiled ulterior motives.

The suspension of the license, as well as conducted numerous violations of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan audit of the financial and economic activity, inventory and seizure of assets of MTS-Uzbekistan, including manufacturing equipment, as well as the arrest of staff of the Uzbek MTS sees as a fundamental breach of their legitimate investment rights.

In order to establish a constructive dialogue and clarify the situation MTS previously sent to the leadership of the Republic of Uzbekistan a number of formal complaints which have not received a response.

July 30, 2012 MTS has also sent an official request to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov with the aim of clarifying and resolving the situation around a subsidiary of MTS in Uzbekistan.

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