Friday, July 27, 2012

On August 31 MTS terminate service WiMAX

In accordance with the State Commission for Radio Frequencies Russian Federation of 08.09.2011 № 11-12-02 "On the use of radio spectrum radio-electronic means the LTE standard, and its subsequent modification" of August 31, 2012 cease to be valid subscriptions and services of MTS in the standard WiMAX. From August 7 to September 30, 2012 subscribers' Comstar WiMAX "will be on favorable terms to purchase kits" MTS Connect "technology to support 4G (LTE). Community Services "Comstar WiMAX", popping in on the action "NL for 1 ruble," can get a set of "MTS Connect", which includes a modem that supports the networks 4G, the tariff plan "MTS Connect-4" and 1 month of the new tariff option from the connection (subject to agreement with MTS to provide communication services). For the remaining service users' Comstar WiMAX "MTS provides access to the Internet within three months of the purchase package" MTS Connect ". Purchase a can of 7 August 2012 at a shop MTS, your passport and personal account number, sets the price for "MTS Connect" will be published on the day of start of sales. Internet access in 4G network will be possible from the date of commercial launch September 1, 2012. Up to this point the terms of service data are valid only in networks 2G/3G. After the launch of 4G network in commercial operation access to new features implemented as networks 2G/3G, and in a network 4G. The offer is valid for customers-individuals. 

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