Thursday, July 26, 2012

Twitter for Nokia on Series 40 walk-through

When we brought you news that the official Twitter for Nokia app is now on Series 40 devices, it gained a lot of interest. With hundreds of millions of feature phones around the world, we thought we’d take you on a walk-through of Twitter for Nokia on a Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type to show you how it works.
Upon installing the app, the first thing you’ll need to do is to enter your Twitter username and password; then it’s straight down to business.

T he first screen you land on is the home screen and you’ll notice the Tweets from your follows will appear here in most recent order. If you choose to interact with one of those Tweets, just select it and you’ll be given the option to reply, to Retweet or to save it as a favourite. You can also click through to that person’s profile to learn more about them.

To refresh the twitter-feed on the Nokia C3-01, pulling down on the screen and the releasing refreshes the content.

Once you’re up-to-date with your followers’ activities, make your way to the navigation bar at the bottom where you’ll see the same icons as you’d expect to see using Twitter on your computer.

@Connect is the place to go to check who’s been mentioning you on Twitter. If you’re waiting for a reply from somebody, it’ll show here.

Using the #Discover icon, you can search Twitter for content. Typing in keywords or #hashtags you can find anything that’s of interest to you, or if you’re looking for something new and out of your ordinary interest, check out some of the trending Tweets from around the world.

The profile icon is where you’ll find information about yourself. It’s here you can keep a track on how many people you’re following, how many are returning the favour, your favourites section and those Tweets you’ve saved for later. Selecting your name at the top of that screen takes you to your public profile, which shows your bio and also a list of your latest Tweets.

When it comes to posting a new Tweet, select the last icon that looks like a piece of paper with a quill (old-fashioned, I know). Enter what you want to say into the text box, remembering to keep your text to a maximum of 140 characters and even a photo if you wish. If you want to add your location to that tweet, hit the location icon underneath the text box.

Even though the Nokia C3-01 doesn’t have GPS on-board, you’re still able to add location. This is due to clever technology that recognises where you are using the local cell-sites around you. Using methods like this is good for a rough location, however it’s surprisingly accurate.

If you’ve got a Series 40 feature phone and like the idea of Tweeting while on the move, download Twitter for Nokia today – it’s free

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