LG Electronics has announced the launch of LG Viewty (LG-KU990) in India. This candy bar styled phone has a large 3-inch LCD touch screen with a resolution of 240 x 400 pixels and sports 256K colors. It has an inbuilt memory of 100MB and also supports external memory through microSD cards. It's 3G enabled with HSDPA for faster connectivity, Bluetooth v1.2 enabled with A2DP compatibility and USB v2.0.
The main feature of course is the 5 megapixel, auto-focus camera with a Xenon flash. The Viewty's camera is also equipped with anti-shake image stabilizer and face-tracking software and manual focus. It incorporates an application that allows users to upload videos to the net to sites like YouTube and features a photo editor application for making changes to images shot through the camera that can capture 120 frames per second. There’s also a VGA camera located in the front for video calling. Speaking at the launch, V. Ramachandran, Director, Sales and Marketing, LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. said, "Mobile users are aspiring for better quality images to capture life's special moments and we have responded to the market needs by launching Viewty. Following the success of Chocolate and Shine phones, we expect to have a hat trick with Viewty. In fact Viewty is seen as a much awaited product from LG and we are sure our technological edge and style factor will be taken well in the Indian market." The LG Viewty is available in the market for Rs. 21,900.
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