Nokia Siemens Networks today announced the intended acquisition of Apertio Ltd.,the leading provider of open real-time subscriber data platforms and applications builtspecifically for mobile, fixed, and converged telecommunications operators. NokiaSiemens Networks will pay around €140 million for the acquisition, which is expectedto close in the first quarter of 2008.
Apertio will provide the new generation architecture and open real-time subscriber dataplatform for Nokia Siemens Networks’ portfolio, strengthening the company’s ability to helpcustomers simplify their networks and manage their key asset – subscriber data. Seventy-sixpercent of communication service providers view consolidation of customer data as a criticalchallenge in delivering on the opportunities of convergence (*1).
With Apertio, Nokia Siemens Networks will be able to build on its strong position in theconverged core, adding Apertio’s market-leading products, services and employees tostrengthen its position in subscriber centric networks. The acquisition builds on a preexistingpartnership, Nokia Siemens Networks having already integrated its Home LocationRegister and Home Subscriber Server products with Apertio’s open platform to deliver apowerful subscriber management solution that is in deployment with leading operators.
“The race is on to deliver seamless and highly targeted services to end-users across variousaccess devices and this requires a unified approach to subscriber data” said Jürgen Walter,head of Nokia Siemens Networks’ Converged Core business unit. “Enabling access to thisinformation in real-time means you can profile subscribers and deliver new services andadvertising appropriately. Market entrants from the Internet world that are used to using realtimeprofiling are starting to play in the telecoms space and operators need to enable apersonalised experience – today’s announcement gives Nokia Siemens Networks theopportunity to provide unique value to our customers in this growing area.”
Apertio’s customers number among the world’s largest and fastest growing communicationsservice providers, including Orange, T-Mobile, Vodafone and O2. Once the deal has closed,Apertio is expected to form a new business line, to be headed by Apertio CEO, Paul Magelli,within Nokia Siemens Networks’ Converged Core business unit.
“With Internet services, communications services, and entertainment services nowconverging, operators must simplify their networks and focus on subscriber intelligence tostay competitive” said Paul Magelli, Apertio CEO. “With one open real-time subscriber dataplatform we have the solution to this problem and as part of Nokia Siemens Networks we willhave the geographic reach, comprehensive application portfolio and ecosystem to extend ourleadership.”
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