Monday, April 26, 2010

MyDailyApp – WWF EcoGuru, Calculator and Climate Mission

GLOBAL - Over the past few weeks we’ve been flying the green flag here on Conversations with the help of Nokia’s Environmental Team and the easy to be green campaign. Last week the world joined in and celebrated Earth Day, a homage to all the good things on planet earth and a wake-up call for those who think recycling involves a bike.

To honour our lovely earth this week’s pick of the apps from MyDailyApp have an environmental theme as we cosy up with WWF, Carbonfund and Nokia. Join us after the jump for three wholesome, planet loving apps.

Leading the charge to get us thinking about our impact on planet earth is WWF EcoGuru. There’s no hiding from this app. First-up you’ll come face to face with your environmental dent by taking the green quiz. Are you greener than green or more of a mauve? Don’t fear if you’re above the world average or use more energy than the complete solar system can create, EcoGuru’s here to help with some handy tips and tricks to get you on the emerald road.

On your quest to become an EcoGuru the app will rate your tasks according to how much of an impact they have on mother earth. Switch to energy saving bulbs, that’ll be two green leaves (points) but if you take a shorter shower you’ll bag three. Rack up the points and you’ll soon see your green status rise from a lowly apprentice to bona-fide EcoGuru.

The WWF EcoGuru app is available for free in Ovi Store and works with Nokia touch-enabled (S60 5th Edition) mobile devices.

Joining EcoGuru in the green ranks is Calculator. The motto: Reduce what you can. Offset what you can’t. This app lets you calculate the carbon impact of your travel and buy offsets to scrub out the impact.

Load the app and confess to your travels whether by car, train or plane. The calculator, like mother earth’s debt collector, will work out the impact you had and calculate how much you should pay back to offset your trip. Before you make a donation be sure to check out the projects that Carbonfund is working on right now. In a nutshell they collect your donations and fund projects that remove CO2 from the air or prevent CO2 from being emitted. One such project targets methane, a gas that traps more than 20 times as much heat as CO2. The project is a Biodigester that takes in manure from ten nearby dairy farms and captures the methane as a clean burning fuel. That’s efficiency.

The app was created by Open Path Products as a Web Runtime widget. It’s compatible with Nokia S60 3rd Edition and S60 5th Edition devices and is available for $0.99 (USD) in Ovi Store.

Finally we have Climate Mission from Nokia. Like the name suggests, Climate Mission is all about saving the environment, but instead of bombarding you with facts and your own mishaps, this time it’s a game.

Climate Mission consists of four different challenges: Recycle, Ants, Fields and Trees. Each challenge encompasses seven levels of two or three games each, spread across the globe. The more you advance in levels the more difficult the game becomes with several hurdles and items appearing in your way. You’ll also receive tips and trips along your environmental junket across the globe. Watch the video to see the green game in action.

By all accounts the app will keep you amused for weeks and is amazingly fun, and beautiful to look at. Climate Mission is free to download from Ovi Store and is compatible with S60 5th edition devices.

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