Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Omnifone's MusicStation to offer PC downloads

Omnifone's music sevice currently supplies Vodafone and Sony Ericsson with music downloads

Vodafone and Sony Ericsson’s music download partner, Omnifone, has launched a MusicStation Desktop Edition enabling users to download music to a PC as well as a mobile.

The music download system currently only allows customers to download music straight to their phone.

Omnifone, which deals with all four major record companies, hopes to increase revenue with the new dual ‘desktop’ service that will mean users can download tracks through MusicStation onto their PC and mobile.

Omnifone’s CEO, Rob Lewis, said: ‘The introduction of MusicStation Desktop Edition enables our partners to deliver interoperable unlimited music services to PC and mobile, generating significant revenues from digital music consumption.’

The new service will be initially launched through 3 in Hong Kong.


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