Friday, October 16, 2009

Nokia to account for the third quarter of 2009

The largest manufacturer of mobile phones - Nokia company to account for the past for her fiscal third quarter, where its main indicators are as follows:

• Net sales amounted to 9.8 billion euros, up 20% lower compared to last year, and 1% lower compared with the previous quarter (19% decline, in monetary units - at the same level).
• Net sales of Mobile phones and services amounted to 6.9 billion euros, up 20% lower in comparison with 2008 and 5% higher in comparison with the previous quarter (20% decline, in monetary units - growth of 6%) . Not IFRS operating margin rates were 11.4% (in the third quarter of 2008 was 18.6%, while in the second quarter of 2009 - 12.2%).
• Gross margin of Mobile phones and services amounted to 30,9%, whereas in the second quarter it stood at 34%.
• Net sales amounted to 148 units of service million (billed 172 million) euros. Because divestitsii their businesses on information security ( "Security Appliance") in April this year, the company said that net sales can not be directly compared with previous periods.
• Estimated volume of shipments of mobile phones in the world amounted to 288 million units, in comparison with the previous year decreased by 7% and the same percentage is higher in comparison with the previous quarter.
• The company Nokia shipped 108.5 million units of mobile terminals, which is 8% lower compared to the same period last year and a 5% increase compared with the previous quarter.
• Estimated share of market for Nokia in the third quarter of 2009 was 38%, which has not changed in comparison with the third quarter of 2008 and second quarter of the 2009th.
• The average selling price for the mobile phone was 62 euros, which was the same in the last quarter.
• Net sales of NAVTEQ are not IFRS amounted to 166 million euros, up 6% increase compared to the same period last year and 12% higher in comparison with the previous quarter. Operating margin (not IFRS) amounted to 25.9% (in the third quarter of 2008 was 18.5%).
• Net sales of Nokia Siemens Networks division amounted to 2.8 billion euros, up 21% less compared to the same period last year and 14% lower compared with the previous quarter (20% decline, in monetary units drop 14%) .
• Cash flow from current operating activities amounted to 720 million Euro.
• Total cash and other liquid assets at the end of the third quarter of 2009 amounted to 7,4 billion Euro.

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