Monday, November 23, 2009

Attensity Group to Host Online Event With Forrester Research That Explores How Generation Y is Changing Customer Experiences

Free December 3 Webinar, with Analyst Bruce Temkin, Will Discuss How Social Media Has Permanently Transformed How People Interact with Each Other and Companies

What: "The Changing Face of Customer Experience: How Gen Y and
social media are impacting all of your customer's
expectations," is a complimentary webinar that details new
expectations for the customer experience and how call centers
and customer service organizations can prepare for and meet
these demands. This webinar is hosted by Attensity(TM) Group,
the leader in business user applications that generate value
from unstructured data.

When: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PT, Thursday, December 3, 2009

Who: Bruce Temkin, vice president and principal analyst with
Forrester Research, will join Catherine van Zuylen, vice
president of product marketing for Attensity Group.

-- Explore how many of the attributes and expectations of
Generation Y require customer service organizations to change
the way they do business.

-- Hear, directly from Temkin, about extensive research that
shows the next generation of customers is extremely
networked, continually connected, information-focused, and
impatient in waiting for answers.

-- Learn where the forward-thinking "call centers of
tomorrow" are heading, and what can be done now to prepare
for the changes that more connected customers demand from
your organization.

-- Experience how Attensity gleans insight into what customers
are saying online and in social media, and enables companies
to respond and participate in the conversations.

Why: Today's customer comes with a host of new expectations for the
customer experience. The days when customers simply contact a
company for help and are willing to wait for an answer are
numbered. Increasingly, customers want immediate answers and
better self-service experiences, across a wider variety of
channels, including Twitter, expert forums, online
communities, etc.

This online event will detail how high-performing
organizations are aligning their customer experience strategy
with what their customers are saying directly, particularly
in social media. Attensity and Temkin will explain how this
requires greater accuracy than ever before.

How: Register for free online at:

About Attensity Group

Attensity Group provides software applications based on Web 3.0 semantic technologies to find, understand, and use information trapped in unstructured text to drive critical decision-making. The comprehensive suite of applications address collective intelligence in social media and forums; the voice of the customer in surveys and emails; customer response management; e-services; research and discovery; risk and compliance; and intelligence analysis. With more than 500 installations worldwide, Attensity Group's award-winning software is used by large government agencies and such innovative enterprises as Airbus, Charles Schwab, Bosch, JetBlue, Nokia Siemens Networks, Royal Bank of Canada, Travelocity and Vodafone. Organizations are better able to track trends, identify patterns, detect anomalies, reduce threats, and seize opportunities to improve customer satisfaction and retention. The Service & Support Professionals Association (SSPA) has honored Attensity Group with its 2009 Recognized Innovator Award. Attensity Group operates in the EMEA region as Empolis. More information is at, and

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