Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Spring Design accuses Barnes & Noble in plagiarism

Company Spring Design threatens bookselling Corporation Barnes & Noble Court. The reason for the charges of violating the law on intellectual property has become a device for reading electronic books nook, announcement of which took place in the second half of October. Just the day before Spring Design posted on the web page on which it demonstrated a device called Alex. Although the external devices have very little in common are they have one: under the main screen, performed on the electronic paper technology is one more - a color touch screen for navigation and other things.

Even with the announcement of a model Alex Spring Design representative expressed the idea that their device is radically different from the expected product Barnes & Noble. At the same time of Spring Design argues that engineers Barnes & Noble used the fact that companies are working and copied the original idea. Representatives of the latter company still does not comment on these statements. How events will unfold will be seen later.

On the timing of a sale bukridera Alex is still not known when the announcement of the price is not called, and the term was defined as "the end of 2009." Model nook of the Barnes & Noble to be broadly available in the near future, and its price will be $ 259.

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