Friday, April 15, 2011

MTS enters the market of financial services with bank cards under its own brand

The mobile operator MTS has announced the launch of the project on production of plastic credit cards MasterCard under the MTS brand to pay for goods and services at any point of retail sales and the Internet.

On April 15, in a number of salons in Moscow, MTS visitors will be able to issue debit cards MTS Money MasterCard international payment system with a credit limit of up to 600,000 rubles. This summer, credit cards, MTS Money "will be available in retail stores across the MTS of Russia.

The project is "MTS Money" operator offers three types of credit cards: lack of MasterCard Standard, which is available immediately inside the MTS, as well as personal and MasterCard Standard MasterCard / Gold, provided within 10 days after registration. Credit limit on card to 40 000 rubles, you can get in 15 minutes, and the limit up to 600 000 rubles - for a day. The card issuer acts Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Bank cards MTS, as well as any other credit cards can pay for goods and services in Russia and abroad.

Become the owner of the card "MTS Money" can any visitor cabin MTS - quite an identity document. In this case, an MTS program automatically connects to the MTS Bonus. For any purchases for every 30 spent rubles accrue one bonus point. As you accumulate points, they share the services of MTS (free minutes, SMS, Internet traffic, music tracks and movies, or discounts in retail MTS).

The interest rate for purchases on credit with the card is of 23,0% per annum with a grace period of up to 51 days. If your card is charged 5.0 percent per annum on any amount of surplus funds. Credited funds to the card can be free in the salons of the MTS.

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