Friday, April 15, 2011

Subscribers of MTS Ukraine can now deposit funds in the Russian roaming

The mobile operator MTS Ukraine announces the launch of the possibility of rapid recharge to all its subscribers, those who are roaming in Russia.

Contract subscribers of MTS Ukraine and subscribers, thinking of the pre-paid can top off their phone, staying in roaming in Russia. Fund your account in the company shop MTS in all Russian regions, using both cash and bank payment card - just tell the cashier your phone number, indicating that the number of the MTS Ukraine, and pay the required amount in rubles. Conversion is carried out in the hryvnia depositing telephone number. Additional documents for payments not required. The Commission for deposits to be charged.

Before enrolling clerk prints of a preliminary check, in which state the amount in rubles, the current rate and the corresponding amount in national currency. After confirming the payer payment terms, the cashier takes the money and print sales receipt. At the expense of subscriber numbers MTS Ukraine credited the amount in national currency.

The exchange rate is defined as the hryvnia exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Russia on the day of payment, plus 2%. At the completion of a bank card used a similar scheme, while the bank may charge a fee for using the card abroad.

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