Sunday, May 6, 2012

HTC on the AT&T One X bootloader lock - 'um, yeah, sorry.'

Following on from our discovery that the bootloader on the AT&T One X is not unlockable, HTC have now responded with an official statement on the matter.

It makes for pretty grim reading...

HTC is committed to listening to users and delivering customer satisfaction. Since announcing our commitment to unlockable bootloaders, HTC has worked to enable our customers to unlock the bootloader on more than 45 devices over the past six months. In some cases, however, restrictions prevent certain devices from participating in our bootloader unlocking program. Rest assured, HTC is committed to assisting developers in unlocking bootloaders for HTC devices and we'll continue to unlock additional devices in the future.

I have also translated this to non-corporate speak for your enjoyment:

HTC likes to try and pacify our customers when they rant about us on the Internets. We have gradually rolled out our unlocked bootloader for 45 devices over the past six months. In this instance however, AT&T tell us that we can't let you unlock your bootloader and they won't let us convince them otherwise. Rest assured though, if you buy a non AT&T version or another HTC device you won't have that problem

Karucifer our Editor is finely versed in translating "PR Speak" and believes the above can be further simplified to:

Karucifer said:
If you want a true HTC Smartphone experience, you shouldn't be choosing AT&T.

Bad, bad form AT&T... will this affect your buying decision? I sure wouldn't buy one even though I love the device (i'd hunt down a Rogers unit or similar that is unlockable!)


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