Friday, May 4, 2012

MegaFon introduces a system for monitoring forest fires

The operator MegaFon said that won tenders for the maintenance and further introduction of video surveillance systems for the fire and made ​​a number of government contracts with the State Committee for Nature Pskov Region and environmental protection. MegaFon is implementing a project for the creation and maintenance of video surveillance and remote monitoring of forest fires in 2011. Last year, MegaFon experts found 25 video cameras in Gdov, Plyussa, Strugokrasnenskom, Pskov, Pitalovo, Krasnogorodsk, Opochetskom, Sebezh, Nevelsk, and Pustoshkinskom Usvyaty areas of the Pskov region. Already, the project covers almost 2.5 million hectares of forests. The relevance of this work was confirmed by initial results, which showed a significant reduction in the number of fires following the introduction of CCTV, said the operator. As part of inmates in state contracts in 2012 15 additional CCTV cameras will be installed in Porkhov, Pechora, Palkino, Bezhanitsky, Novorzhevskom and Pskov regions Kunya field. In 2013, plans to expand the surveillance system up to 60 cameras. In the Pskov region each year during the summer season under the threat of forest fires are more than 50 settlements, and video surveillance system can become a reliable assistant in order to prevent fires, the company said.

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