Saturday, May 5, 2012

Upgraded to a Motorola RAZR first Android 4.0.4 ICS;

Just now a friend of Techblog briefed me on the email that Techblog mobile Motorola RAZR XT910 upgraded to version Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich! Immediately I replied by asking who has bought and the answer was from WIND in December 2011! I asked him to send me pictures and tell me more via Skype ...

I can not even know that the acceptance has been given and has not been released to upgrade to RARZ CHT910 Android Ice Cream Sandwich, but let's take the story of Michael from the beginning as I described it. Note: As much as I want to believe I have to tell you the story with caution since they do not know him personally.

Yesterday Thursday 3 May went his mobile Motorola RAZR XT910 in «Cellcom», the company has taken the official Motorola mobile service to Greece to do the update because it treats some issues with his cell phone. Friday May 4 at 17:00 went and got it, turn it inside had Android Gingerbread, and later on the road with his car through the 3G came a notice we accepted without looking tinon going on. When he returned home chose to make the upgrade and the phone did restart with Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich.

Here are the photos I sent Michael to support his words.

In my communication with Motorola confirmed that Greece has not been available to start the upgrade. In my communication with Cellcom could not find the edge because this time had left Friday afternoon for technicians. Logically, something happened in the service of Cellcom ...

I have known those who contacted asking them to check for upgrade available I have answered negatively.


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