Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Buying the most expensive Android app in the Google Play Store - a $200 Vuvuzela App!

Watching the Italy - England quarter final match of EURO2012, I decided at half time I needed a Vuvuzela app to cheer on Italy.

There were plenty of free ones in the Google Play Store, but there was also a Vuvuzela app for $200. $200 is the max price of apps. Seeing that others had bought it, I just *had* to try it out and see what I would get for the cost. What I got was a big surprise.... a photo of an iPhone!

Though Italy came off winning the game. The team I was cheering for won... so was it a complete rip off? Or totally worth it? Watch the video and you be the judge. And to the developer, I hope you give my cash to the kids and make your next app better!

See the app:

Note: This is CrackBerry Kevin reporting on Android Central for the month of June for the Mobile Nations World Tour. Learn more about it here:

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