Sunday, July 29, 2012

Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich Updates

Here’s the scoop. The following HTC devices are confirmed to get a tasty treat of Ice Cream Sandwich:
DROID Incredible 2 by HTC
HTC Amaze 4G
HTC Desire S
HTC Desire HD *
HTC EVO Design 4G
HTC Incredible S
HTC Sensation
HTC Sensation XL
HTC Sensation 4G
HTC Sensation XE
HTC Raider
HTC Rezound
HTC Rhyme
HTC Thunderbolt
HTC Vivid
As for timing, we’re in the early stages of rolling out Android 4.0 for the HTC Sensation and HTC Sensation XE and upgrades will be more widely available in the next few weeks. The update for the HTC Sensation 4G and HTC Sensation XL will follow. Please note, once we start pushing out updates it will take time for all carriers in each country to get the update. We are working closely with our carrier partners to nail down update schedules for our other smartphones and will have more to share very soon.
* After extensive testing, we’ve determined that the current version of HTC Sense with Android provides customers with the best experience on the HTC Desire HD. When we consider new versions of software, we weigh a number of factors, but ultimately the customer experience on the product is the deciding factor. We apologize for any confusion this change may have caused our customers.
27 July 2012: Further Explanation about HTC Desire HD Update
We’ve heard your feedback on our decision not to update the HTC Desire HD to Android 4.0. We completely understand that this is a controversial decision.
For more background, due to how storage on the HTC Desire HD is partitioned – and the larger size of Android 4.0 – it would require re-partitioning device storage and overwriting user data in order to install this update. While technically advanced users might find this solution acceptable, the majority of customers would not. We also considered ways to reduce the overall size of the software package, but this would impact features and functionality that customers are currently using. Even after installing the update, there were other technical limitations which we felt negatively impacted the user experience.
We believe an update should always improve the user experience and carefully evaluate each update based on this criteria. While we are very aware of the disappointment from this decision, we believe the impact to user experience was too great. We recognize this is a change from our previous statement and for that we’re truly sorry.
22 May 2012 at 10:08: Android 4.0 FAQ
Over the past several weeks we’ve been working with our product, development, and support teams to put together a more comprehensive look at the rollout plans for Android 4.0. Together we have created a product update schedule and FAQ which covers the devices getting the Android 4.0 update and target timelines for each. This FAQ also provides information on HTC Sense and Android 4.0, an overall timeline of updates, and other details. Check it out on the HTC support site.
18 May 2012: HTC Sensation XL and the HTC Sensation 4G and HTC Amaze 4G on T-Mobile in the USA
We’ve started rolling out updates for the HTC Sensation XL. It will take a bit of time for the update to roll out to everyone, so please be patient. T-Mobile in the United States has already started rolling out Android 4.0 for the HTC Sensation 4G and the HTC Amaze 4G will begin getting Android 4.0 on May 21st. We’ll have more news to share soon on other devices!
29 March 2012: Updates for HTC Sensation and HTC Sensation XE
For those of you with an HTC Sensation and HTC Sensation XE, we have some updates for you! Most European carriers will start rolling-out ICS for these devices this week. For carriers outside of Europe, we will be pushing updates over the next few weeks and will have specifics soon.
23 March 2012: Android 4.0 for HTC Vivid the United States
Starting today, the HTC Vivid on AT&T will be one of the first smartphones in the U.S. to receive an upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich, along with an optimized audio experience with Beats By Dre and a refreshed HTC Sense experience. Read more.
14 March 2012: Android 4.0 for HTC Velocity 4G in Australia
We’ve started rolling out Android 4.0 for Australia’s first 4G smartphone, the HTC Velocity 4G. You can get your FOTA update starting today.

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