Friday, October 16, 2009

"Leakage" photos Motorola confirms title Droid

Resource Boy Genius Report, which recently has been an ongoing source of images and information about the project Motorola Tao / Sholes / Droid, has published another batch of photos of the device. At one of the images on the camera clearly visible logo of the company Verzion Wireless, as well as "self" model as a Droid. It is obvious that under such a name she would have given operator.

Two other shots show Motorola Droid «in the interior, and, although their quality leaves much to be desired, you may notice that the machine has a sliding QWERTY-keyboard. Also, judging by the screen turned on the device, it will be running a clean OS Android. At least, no traces of the interface MOTOBLUR it is not observed.

Also, according to earlier reports, it is known that the project is at final stage: the mere Smartphone is almost ready, and its OS is being finalized and will be ready a few days. Supposedly the announcement Motorola Droid at Verzion Wireless will be held on October 30.

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