Monday, October 5, 2009

Sprint Open Developer Conference Gives Developers Hands-on Training With Android, Palm webOS, Java ME, RIM and Windows Mobile

Sprint Welcomes Developers and Companies Interested in Mobile and Desktop Development Sessions Address Development Best Practices and Ways to Monetize Content.

OVERLAND PARK, Kan., -- The Sprint (NYSE:S) Open Developer Conference in Santa Clara, Calif., Oct. 26-28, will deliver valuable insights and support from a strong cross-section of leading mobile platforms, from Android(TM) and Palm(R) webOS(TM) to Java ME, RIM and Windows Mobile, and provide hands-on coding sessions, breakout sessions, event sponsor exhibits and networking opportunities for developers. The conference ( will address enterprise M2M business solutions, approaches to make developers more profitable, 4G technical/development resources and more.

Steve Elfman, president of Network Operations and Wholesale for Sprint, Jason Mackenzie, vice president of HTC America, and Ben Galbraith and Dion Almaer, directors of Developer Relations for Palm, will be leading keynote addresses during the conference. Their keynotes will focus on the relevance of Sprint's truly open initiatives and what that means for developers. In addition, Android team members and technical subject matter experts from Google(TM) will lead developers in an in-depth technical discussion.

"Our objective with the 2009 Open Developer Conference is to create a forum for mobile app developers and those who develop apps for the desktop to get a taste of what's possible for them using the tools that Sprint's developer program provides," said Len Barlik, vice president of Wireless and Wireline Services for Sprint. "With today's operating system platforms, powerful new devices - from handsets to embedded devices - and the strength of the Sprint Now Network and 4G, the opportunities are limitless."

More than any other carrier, Sprint provides access to the APIs that enable developers to create rich, innovative applications. In addition, Sprint invests in technology and processes that enable developers to have access to important capabilities unique to the Sprint network and hundreds of APIs, including location-based services and presence.

The event is Sprint's ninth annual developer conference. This is the first year the conference is open to the entire developer community. HTC and Sprint will give developers at the Sprint Developer Conference the opportunity to be among the first to own an HTC Hero. The first 400 developers to arrive at the HTC coding lab on Oct. 26 will receive a HTC Hero with one month of Sprint service. To qualify, developers need to show their laptop with the Android development environment (1.5) installed and ready for the hands-on lab session. HTC will give away a number of additional HTC Hero devices at its booth throughout the conference. To be eligible to participate in the HTC coding lab and receive a HTC Hero, participants must register to attend the Sprint Developer Conference at Participants who register two attendees at $350 each will receive a complimentary pass for a third attendee.

Sprint Open Developer Conference sponsors are Premiere sponsors HTC and Palm; Platinum sponsors Acision, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, Microsoft, RIM / Blackberry, Telenav and Clearwire; and Gold sponsors AirWatch, Cisco, EA Mobile, Handmark, Marvell, Nuance, Openwave, Panasonic, Prosyst, Real Networks, Sun Microsystems and Verisign.

Sprint is committed to helping the developer community offer mobile content and applications to its customers when, where and how they want them:

Sprint customers enjoy full HTML browsing on their phones, with Google as their Search provider, experience personalized Web browsing with Sprint Web, and can choose to download name-brand apps and services from the Internet. Other carriers may limit applications to those sanctioned by the carrier.
More than 300 different non-Sprint-branded devices, from machine-to-machine to telemetry, operate on the Sprint network through a widely respected device certification process in its Open Device Initiative.
Sprint is a member of the Open Handset Alliance(TM), along with more than 40 other participating companies, supporting Android, a free and open platform.

About Sprint Nextel

Sprint Nextel offers a comprehensive range of wireless and wireline communications services bringing the freedom of mobility to consumers, businesses and government users. Sprint Nextel is widely recognized for developing, engineering and deploying innovative technologies, including two wireless networks serving almost 49 million customers at the end of the second quarter of 2009; industry-leading mobile data services; instant national and international push-to-talk capabilities; and a global Tier 1 Internet backbone. The company's customer-focused strategy has led to improved first call resolution and customer care satisfaction scores. For more information, visit

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