Friday, May 4, 2012

Apple and Samsung receive 99% revenues from sales of mobile phones

According to studies conducted by research firm Asymco, only three vendors in the world earn on sales of handsets. The share of all other or are so insignificant, that does not exceed the statistical error, or the production of this type of device brings the company a loss. At the same time 99% of all profits have only two companies: Apple and Samsung. The remaining one percent accounted for by the Taiwanese HTC. The greatest profit to the company Apple - it accounts for 73% of all profits, although the market share of unit shipments in terms of units sold is not so great, even though the smartphone market and the company is among the leaders. Samsung, which occupies first place among manufacturers of smart phones and phones the quantity, content with only 26%. HTC, which is represented on the market almost exclusively smartphones, earning 1% of all profits, which allows it to be a large and successful company with such an approach. All other profits from the sales of mobile phones do not have, though, Nokia and ranks second in terms of sales. Among the manufacturers that have shown negative results for the first quarter of 2012, several big names: Research in Motion, Motorola, LG, Sony Mobile. In the near future, none of these vendors will not be able to change the situation radically. Reduce the share of the profits Apple in 2012 can only HTC and Samsung, which will build on the sale of the flagship series of devices One and Galaxy respectively.

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