Friday, August 31, 2012

Samsung Apple has not paid a fine nickle

The network has information that the company Samsung has paid due billion dollars in fines from Apple. And like how did this by sending the amount due in nickels. However, the source of the news was life iPhone 4, who has previously published a refutation of the information provided. No column of trucks with a nickel near the California office was not Apple and Samsung CEO Tim Cook did not ring, suggesting that the company is urging people not to be penny wise, but needs to recalculate the entire amount (more than 20 billion coins). All this fantasy of unknown pranksters, who, however, may be relevant to the PR department of a company. "convoy of trucks with 20 billion nickels" Employee Apple "takes" of the fine on Samsung actual payment could not be made ​​because the court has not ruled final verdict on the case, and there is only the jury, which may be challenged by representatives Samsung. Payments can also be made ​​after the judge will the verdict, and the company will get a court order for the payment of compensation. Near a hearing will be held on September 20, but it is not yet a final decision on the proceedings. In addition, an amount of $ 1,049 billion when converted to 5-cent coin would have been too much physically - for its transportation would take nearly three thousand vehicles, because one machine can carry about 360 000 in these coins. Shipping Info same mining trucks it was not, and therefore reduced iPhone 4 photos do not reflect reality. It is also possible that the 20 billion nickels Samsung is not able to collect.

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